Bacon & Sweet Chilli & Cheese pull apart – completely Thermomix free

Thermomix. Receta MiniMagdalenas

Thermomix. Receta MiniMagdalenas (Photo credit: chocolatisimo)

Bacon & Sweet Chilli & Cheese pull apart – NOT made in the Thermomix

Bacon & Sweet Chilli & Cheese pull apart – NOT made in the Thermomix.

I wanted to make a pull apart, we eat them all the time from Bakers Delight.

I said to Grumpy I am going to buy more yeast because I am going to use a bit this week, I want to make a pull apart and some cinnamon scrolls.

He walked over to the fridge, looked inside and said you don’t need any, there are 2 sachets of 25 gms each and this container that contains 250gm, it’s half full, if you need more than that there’s something wrong.

I didn’t want the sachets, I need 30gm not 50 and he said well weigh it then. That’s not the point, I want 30gm and I don’t want to have to open a sachet of yeast that may not get eaten.

I didn’t buy any yeast, I thought bugger him I,m going to use his.

He asked me what I was going to put on it and how was I going to make it, I told him, sweet chilli sauce, bacon bits, grated cheese and Chives, (I asked him a few weeks ago to buy me some shallots and of course he didn’t listen and bought me a packet of dried chives)

He was arguing that the Thermomix does not knead bread, it can’t not with those blades, all it does is chop it up.

Well typical Grumpy he went off and made my pull apart, he does this all the time, I think it must be a male chest thumping thing.

He thought he was so smart, we were sitting in the lounge and I got a text, I thought it might have been From my friend Shelley but it wasn’t it was from Grumpy with a photo of his masterpiece and the comment HOME MADE BACON, CHILLI, CHEESE PULL APART COMPLETELY THERMOMIX FREE.

It was very nice, but that is not the point, I was supposed to make it.

I will make one on Wednesday when I have my day off from work and see what nasty comments he can come up with.

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