Feminine dresses, boots, shoes and evening bags added to our stock

We have some beautiful Feminine dresses, boots, shoes and evening bags added to our stock this week, in fact we have been run off our feet with drop offs.


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Some beautiful feminine dresses sizes 14 – 16, all of them would be suitable to wear to work and then out for the evening.



Size 8 boots, tan, red & black



Some lovely tan and gold evening bags



Some lovely size 9 evening shoes with heels and a gorgeous pair of courts with a gold toe

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50’s inspired dresses for high tea for Mother’s Day


This post is inspired by my beautiful daughter in law Natasha (Tash, or Trashy as Kyel calls her), she just loves anything from the 1950’s.

After the second World War, there was a movement to have women go back into the home and the kitchen, to do “women’s duties” raising their children cooking and looking after the house.

1950s fashion was an enormous part of this movement. Unlike the severe styles of the 1940s clothing, 1950s fashions emphasized femininity, with softened shoulders, stilettos, wrist length gloves and full circle skirts with petty coats and pearls. Even working women’s outfits hinted at femininity, with pencil skirts and tiny hats with veils and feathers.

In truth, the New Look for 1950s women originated in the 1940s, with Christian Dior’s collection Corolle. This collection was a complete contrast to the severe, “make do, and fix ” aesthetic of 1940s fashion with full skirts, softened shoulders, a tight waist, emphasizing the bust and the hourglass shaped figure, thus creating the perfect feminine figure.

Dior went on to invent more haute couture 1950s fashions, including names like the Princess Line, Profile Line, A Line, and the H Line. His influence remained high all through the 1950s and Other fashion houses were forced to follow his originalities.

However, this perfect female figure was not possible in nature. Corsets, and “corselettes” made a comeback at the same time that those horrid conical bras became popular. ” Advertisements described them as “comfortable,” and even “innovative.”

When Tash was thinking about her kitchen tea, she wanted all attendees to dress up in the 1950’s, everyone looked fabulous.  And for Mother’s day last year, Mummy, Tash and I had a high tea at the Duxton. The experience was wonderful with lovely petit fours.  For Tash’s birthday she wanted to do the high tea idea again, this time with a 1950’s theme. The girls (Tash and her friends) all wore dresses with the 1950’s in mind.

She showed me a Facebook page of a lady in Bunbury Red Leopard Photography http://redleopardphotography.com.au/ who does 1950’s photography and has decided that she would love one of these photo sessions for her birthday and I decided that I would love to join her

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5 simple tips How to Look Slimmer for over 50″s

Fashion Over 50 – How to Look Slimmer

If you are one of those fifty plus women who wishes they were a few kilos lighter or several dress sizes smaller, then there are some key fashion tricks you can play in order to give the illusion of looking slimmer.

All it takes is a little knowledge, and with some clever illusion dressing, you can make yourself look thinner than you really are.

5 simple tips anyone can follow are:

1. Learn how to dress to suit your body shape

When you know what cut, fabrics and styles flatter your figure, it can be life-changing.

Wearing the wrong type of clothing for your body shape can, in some cases, add on kilos – wearing the right cut and fabric can take them off!

2. Choose your prints and fabrics carefully

A print with a vertical stripe or diagonal pattern will make you look taller.

Horizontal prints will make you look wider, prints that are out of proportion to your body will do the same.

For example, if your have a small / slight  bone structure – with narrow wrists etc., then don’t go with an oversized print.

If you on the plus side, then a small print will make you look even larger.

A bulky, heavier or thicker textured fabric can make you look larger than you are, so can shiny or metallic fabrics, they can be very unforgiving, showing all your lumps and bumps.

3. Learn how to wear colour 

Wearing an outfit in the same colour family – eg. different tones of the same colour, top to toe will make you look slimmer.

This means matching your tights, leggings or stockings to your shoes.

If you are larger in the bust, wearing a darker colour on your top half will make the upper part of your body appear slimmer.

The opposite applies if you want to appear slimmer on your bottom half.

As a general rule dark colours will make you appear slimmer, but that doesn’t mean you have to wear black.

Jewel colours, for example dark green, ruby red and deep blues can be very flattering for the mature woman.

Dark blue – wash jeans, for example, are far more flattering to legs than a light stonewash jeans.

4.  Choose the length of your lengths clothing carefully

Dresses and skirts that finish on or just below the knee are more slimming than those that finish at the calf which is the fattest part of the leg.

Tops and dresses that have 3/4-sleeves will slim – down arms and cover those unwanted bingo – wings.

5. Choose your shoes carefully  

Most women over 50 understand the wonder of a pair of heels but some may not want to  wear them.

However, if you want to look instantly slimmer for a special occasion, put on a pair of  stilettos and wow, your body appears to have dropped a dress size, as opposed  to  wearing flats.

If you hate wearing high heels try a wedge shoe, they are much easier to walk in, or settle for a pair of lower kitten heels, which will still give you some height, but beware they are not as stable to walk in

If you just don’t like wearing heels of any kind then opt for a flat shoe with a pointed toe as they will elongate the leg.

Beige or nude  coloured shoes will make your legs look longer, peep – toe shows will elongate the foot, however, shoes with ankle straps are a not for anyone who has thick ankles.

Look Slimmer With Fashion Optical Illusion

Optical illusion

Pictures courtesy Bridgette Raes, BRSG Bloggers, Dressing Your Body, Wardrobe Solutions

Look at this famous optical illusion.
All lines are the same length but the line on the right looks the longest.
Learning how to dress your body shape and balance your physical characteristics can be tricky.

One of the easiest ways to work with your body shape is with fashion optical illusions.

Optical illusion.1 Optical illusion.2

Vertical lines have a slimming effect on the body wherever you place them.


I love pink

The days are getting colder and the evenings are even colder still.

I am finding that I have gone back to wearing my warm clothes and scarves, unfortunately my warm clothes are black, I don’t have a lot of pastel pink even though I love it.

I love pink

As soon as I saw this jacket and shoes, I knew I had to create a look with it, I have a couple of pairs of shoes, red and brown, that are so similar to these pink ones (not as high heeled though) that I love wearing.   They are so comfortable I put them on for the first time and was able to wear them all day without having to wet sock them (stretch them to fit my feet with hot wet socks)


Cyan – 1 block colour with accessories 8 ways

Cyan – 1 block colour with scarves 8 ways

I decided that I would put together an outfit using a block colour of black, as everyone is wearing black these days.

My mum has started wearing scarves and she is looking great in them, today for our mother’s day luncheon she had the most beautiful scarf that was black with magnificent autumn leaves tied at her neck, and I thought it was just a striking colour scheme and I thought this week I would include a black column with different scarves to create different outfits.

Cyan 8 ways

These multi coloured scarves are just beautiful and can be worn all through the year to create different looks with each one, however I thought that as it is starting to get a little cooler, the core pieces for this capsule are a black jumper and long pants (trousers) with cyan shoes and bag and put together with the different scarves to create 8 different outfits.

If you were going out to different functions mixing with different people, you would get away with all of the above.

Black and Taupe weekend wear

Polyvore Black & Taupe weekend wear

Taupe & black weekend wear

I love to wear things that are different, I don’t like to walk down a street or into a shopping centre and see someone else with the same outfit on. I like to be able to mix and match. This jacket doesn’t need and jewellery or scarves as the finish on the jacket are enough for me. Others may want to include some form of scarf or necklace, I would wear earrings as I never go without earrings If it was in winter I would also wear a pair of black leather gloves.